domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010
Lego Power Miners
Português: Bom dia a todos, hoje vou falar-vos sobre coisas subterrâneas, chamadas Lego Power Miner. Foram criaturas encontradas, pelos nossos legos, que não querem que ninguém entre no território delas. Vejam as imagens.
Inglês: Good morning everyone, today I will tell you about things underground, called Lego Power Miner. Creature were found by our legos, who did no want anyone to enter their territory. Look at the pictures.
Inglês: Good morning everyone, today I will tell you about things underground, called Lego Power Miner. Creature were found by our legos, who did no want anyone to enter their territory. Look at the pictures.
sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010
Lego Space Police
Português: Bom dia pessoal, hoje vou-vos falar sobre os Legos Space Police. É uma policia intergaláctica que prende os bandidos que tentam assaltar o banco, a melhor defesa dos polícias é a nave 5974 Galactic Enforcer. Mas vejam estas imgens espectaculares!
Inglês: Hi all, today I'll talk to you about the Legos Space Police. It's an intergalactic cop who holds the bandists try to rob the bank, the best defense of the police is the ship 5974 Galactic Enforcer. But see these imagens spectacular!
Inglês: Hi all, today I'll talk to you about the Legos Space Police. It's an intergalactic cop who holds the bandists try to rob the bank, the best defense of the police is the ship 5974 Galactic Enforcer. But see these imagens spectacular!
Blog Naruto Uzumaki
Português: Olá pessoal, hoje também me apeteceu falar-vos sobre o blog de um dos meus seguidores, o Stereo Love, fala sobre um desenho animado muito interessante que dá na TV, o seu nome é Naruto, mas se forem ao blog dele que eu vou escrever abaixo ficaram a saber mais.
Inglês: Hello folks, today I felt like talking to you on the blog of one of my followers, Stereo Love, talks about a cartoon that gives very intersting on TV, his is Naruto, but if they are to his blog that I will writing down got to know more.
Inglês: Hello folks, today I felt like talking to you on the blog of one of my followers, Stereo Love, talks about a cartoon that gives very intersting on TV, his is Naruto, but if they are to his blog that I will writing down got to know more.
Lego World Racers
Português: Olá, espero que estejam a gostar do blog. Hoje vou falar-vos sobre os Legos World Racers. O Lego World Racers, são carros de corrida inspirados nas corridas mundiais, estes legos são especiais porque têm as boxes onde os carros param e podes levalos para qualquer lado e fazer corridas com os teus amigos. Vejam as imagens acima.
Inglês: Hello, I hope you are enjoying the blog. Today I'll tell you about Lego World Racers. The Lego World Racers, race cars are inspired by the racing world, these legos are special because they have the pits where the cars stop and you can carry him anywhere and do races with your friends. Look at the picture above.
Inglês: Hello, I hope you are enjoying the blog. Today I'll tell you about Lego World Racers. The Lego World Racers, race cars are inspired by the racing world, these legos are special because they have the pits where the cars stop and you can carry him anywhere and do races with your friends. Look at the picture above.
quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010
Lego Hero Factory
Português: Hoje é um bom dia para todos e um bom dia para escrever. Hoje encontrei uma marca de Legos chamada "Lego Hero Factory", que me fascinou bastante, são robôs heróis que são muito parecidos com a marca "Bionicle", mas eu vou vos mostrar umas imagens.(Apresentadas em cima)
Inglês: Today is a good day for everyone and a good day to write. Today I found a brand called Legos "Lego Hero Factory", which fascinated me a lot, heroes are robots that are very similar to the trademark "Bionicle" but I'll show you some pictures.(Presented above)
Inglês: Today is a good day for everyone and a good day to write. Today I found a brand called Legos "Lego Hero Factory", which fascinated me a lot, heroes are robots that are very similar to the trademark "Bionicle" but I'll show you some pictures.(Presented above)
quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010
Lego Atlantis
Português: Olá Pessoal, hoje voltei e vim falar-vos dos Legos Atlantis. O Lego Atlantis vem do nome, que todos já ouviram falar, "A Cidade Perdida da Atlântida", são Legos que eu nunca tinha ouvido falar até descobrir que são Legos muito divertidos, como podem verificar nas três imagens acima.
Inglês: Hello Guys, today I returned and came to speak to you of Legos Atlantis. The name Legos comes from the Atlantis, which everyone has heard, "The Lost City of Atlantis", are Legos that I had never heard even discover that Legos are great fun, as you can see the three images above.
Inglês: Hello Guys, today I returned and came to speak to you of Legos Atlantis. The name Legos comes from the Atlantis, which everyone has heard, "The Lost City of Atlantis", are Legos that I had never heard even discover that Legos are great fun, as you can see the three images above.
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